Terranova West MUD Emergency Messaging System

To improve communication with residents during an emergency, the District canceled its contract with Classic Messaging for emergency broadcast messages effective December, 2024.

Off Cinco Web Services, the District’s webmaster, has been awarded the new contract. The new system is now live for emergency and routine District broadcast messages. Residents no longer have to opt in for the service, all residents with a valid email address and mobile phone number on their water/sewer bill account will automatically receive emergency and routine messages sent from the District.

If you are not receiving critical emergency and routine broadcast messages from the District, check your junk/spam mail folder and verify your email address and mobile number on your water/sewer bill account at https://h2o.starnik.net.

Adding alerts@tnwmud.org and +1 (682) 356-5083 to your contact list ensures you will receive District broadcast messages.

All resident emails and mobile phone numbers are secure and will never be sold or used for solicitation purposes.

The District does not post on social media

Stay safe, Stay informed!

Your Terranova West MUD Board of Directors