District Updates – February 2023

Latest NHCRWA News

Information about the North Harris County Regional Water Authority including the new Board, monthly meetings and the agenda can be found at https://www.nhcrwa.com.

Your MUD Board encourages you to attend a monthly NHCRWA Board meeting in person or via Zoom to learn more about the Authority, the ongoing water supply project, and the impact all of it has on the fee charged on your water/sewer bill. It’s your money!

Reclaimed Water for Irrigation Project

In case you missed it on the POA e-bulletin Board, click on the link below to view the MUD Board’s 1/17/2023 water main break look-back document.

The document is permanently located on the District’s website, http://www.tnwmud.org, under Resources, Documents.

The contractor laying the phase 1 T C Jester reclaim water line estimates a March completion date. Upon completion, the work area will be restored as it was.

The Board expects to receive the first updates from the consultant working on the phase 2 new irrigation system analysis and design at the March Board meeting.

A couple of Board members and the District’s engineer met with their BILMA (Spring Creek Oaks) counterparts to compare notes on the joint project. The current go live estimate is October, 2023.

A FAQ document about the project and a map detailing where the line will run in the District can be found on the District’s website.

Questions about the project? Email the Board or, better yet, attend a monthly meeting and ask your questions.

Park/Greenspace News

Pretty quiet in the parks and greenspaces this time of year. A great time to walk all of them.

It Bears Repeating!

The following websites are good tools to help you manage your water usage. The EyeonWater
site can also be used to compare your water used to your billed amount on your water/sewer


https://eyeonwater.com/signin to help you manage your total water usage by month, day, and down to the hour. You can also use EyeonWater to compare your water usage to that on your water/sewer bill. They should be reasonably close. Just be sure you are comparing the same date range.


https://www.watermyyard.org/#/Location to help you determine when and how much to water your yard. This is a very good tool developed by Texas A&M.The District website contains a lot of useful information regarding water conservation and tips to reduce your usage, the link can be found below.

Your Monthly Water/Sewer Bill

Need a little help understanding your monthly water/sewer bill? A document titled “Knowing and Understanding Your TNW Water/Sewer Bill” can be found on the District’s website at http://www.tnwmud.org/resources/#documents.

Reclaimed Water for Park & Common Area Irrigation Project

Monthly MUD Board Meetings

Be informed! All District residents are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly Board meetings to learn what’s going on in the District and ask questions. Regular monthly meetings
begin promptly at 6pm, the third Thursday of every month at the clubhouse unless otherwise posted. Resident input is always the 1st item on the agenda. Agendas are posted on the clubhouse and on the District website no later than 3 days prior to the meeting.

Can’t make a meeting? Looking for information? Have a concern or question?

Check out the District’s website at http://www.tnwmud.org.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, email the District at tnw.mud@gmail.com. You will always receive a prompt, accurate reply!

Your Terranova West MUD Board of Directors

Tom Lovell: President, Park/Green Space Oversight, current term ends 05/2023
Ken Barrett: Vice President, current term ends 05/2023
Steve Caton: Secretary, current term ends 05/2023
Larry Forrester: Treasurer, current term ends 05/2025
Nannette Burrage: Assistant Secretary, WEB Oversight, current term ends 05/2025