EyeOnWater App
Most residents have favorite phone apps they look at every day. The Board encourages residents to get in the habit of looking at the EyeOnWater app daily to monitor your water usage. Doing so can help you catch spikes in water usage that may indicate you are losing water somewhere in your home or yard. You are responsible for your water distribution lines beyond your Smart Meter. By law, the District cannot write off lost water on your side of the meter. Doing so would mean the other District residents would be paying for your loss. Questions? Send an email to TNW.mud@gmail.com.
The District has not raised water rates in many years and the NHCRWA recently reduced its fee so, if your water bill is increasing, it simply means you are using more water.
District Operator, H20 Innovation News
For those residents paying their monthly water/sewer bill by bank draft, H20 is changing their billing service software from AVR and RVS to Starnik. The change will require residents paying by draft to complete and submit a new draft payment form. H20 Innovation will be mailing the form and instructions to all residents paying by draft in the coming months.
Reclaim Water for Irrigation Project
The General Contractor laying the phase 1 main water line project has completed construction of the main water line and is expected to wrap up landscaping repairs by the end of July.
The District’s Engineer is preparing the phase 2 new irrigation system request for quote. Installation of the new reclaim irrigation system is planned for late fall.
Monthly MUD Board Meetings
Residents are encouraged to attend monthly Board meetings to learn what’s happening in the District. Regular monthly meetings begin promptly at 6pm, the third Thursday of every month at the clubhouse unless otherwise posted. Resident input is always the 1st item on the agenda. Agendas are posted on the clubhouse and on the District website no later than 3 days prior to the meeting.
Can’t make a meeting? Looking for information? Have a concern or question?
Check out the District’s website at https://www.tnwmud.org.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, email the District at tnw.mud@gmail.com. You will always receive a prompt, accurate reply!
Your Terranova West MUD Board of Directors
Tom Lovell, President (Term Expires: May 2027)
Ken E. Barrett, Vice President (Term Expires: May 2027)
Nannette Burrage, Secretary/Web Oversight (Term Expires May 2025)
Larry Forrester, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary (Term Expires: May 2025)
Rob Sorensen, Assistant Secretary (Term Expires May 2027)